9 tips to prepare your priestly ordination

”The celebration of the priestly ordination is of great importance and full of meanings for the ordained. It is a day that will definitely impact the new priest and his whole pastoral life.”

1- Remember the ordering motto

Choose the motto that will accompany you throughout your priestly life. This motto is not read during the ordination, but it can be present in the invitation, in the remembrance in order to be offered to the guests (suggestion: a card or a bookmark).

2 – Make a guest list

In addition to the participation of the parishioners where the celebration will take place, priestly ordination usually brings together the friends and family of the candidate. So make a list of the names of family and friends that you will invite to your ordination. Having a number estimate of people is important to organize – if appropriate – the commemoration after the celebration.

3- Organize and prepare the celebration liturgy

Prepare the liturgy of the Mass of priestly ordination: choose the songs that will be played, the musicians and the readers. Think about how biblical readings and songs will be made available to the assembly, whether through a booklet (which also needs to be drawn up and printed) or through a multimedia screen (in this case the operator must be told the ordination songs) . If you are ordained along with other deacons, do this work together.

4- Prepare an invitation

Send the invitations in advance, especially to those guests residing out of the town where you will be ordered. And thinking about facilitating for your guests, with regard to the purchase of gifts that will be offered to the clergyman, prepare a gift list. That way, you give people the opportunity to know what is really necessary. The Arte Sacro Paramentos offers this tool. You just need to register, choose the items you want to include in your list and indicate in your invitation the website where the guests will find your gift list.

5- Take care of the priestly apparel preparation

Within the celebration, the ordained receives his or her priestly apparel. Therefore, take the time to research the liturgical vestments and acquire them calmly. Observe the details of the apparel, the quality of the fabrics and the embroidery. These will be your first vestments. It is important, therefore, to choose something of your taste, which is comfortable and with all the sacredness that a liturgical vest should represent.

6- The guests reception at the priestly ordination

If you are planning a celebration, note some tips. Based on the time at which priestly ordination will take place, define which event will mark the commemoration of this day. If the ordering is in the morning, it is followed by a lunch. If it is early afternoon, a brunch can be served. And if it’s late afternoon, serve dinner. Once set, one must choose the menu, you should think of the space decoration, the decorative object for each table, the flower arrangements and even prepare a space for the photos. To plan and execute these details, count on the help of lay people in the parish where your ordination will take place. Do not forget also the souvenir that will be given to everyone who attends.

7- Tips to overcome the nervousness and anxiety of the day

On the day of priestly ordination, ordained people often feel nervous or anxious. In order to keep your tranquility, one day before, read the Bible texts that will be proclaimed during the celebration. Also read the questions the bishop will ask you to reflect. Try to dedicate this day to pray and listen to God.

8- Prepare a gist list

Like grooms do to prepare married life, offering friends and family tips and suggestions for those who wish to offer gifts, you can think of something similar. Priestly ordination is a completely new time, a definite step and, in addition to impacting – in an indelible way – your life, you will change it in practical dynamics as well. The Arte Sacro offers a service that can make this tip feasible and super useful to those who wish to give the priest a gift. Just go to our website, click the option, prepare and register your list.

9- Acknowledgments

At the end of the celebration, it is customary for the priest to have a moment of thanking his parents and those who are the most important. Prepare your acknowledgments in advance so that the emotion of the moment does not interfere your speech. Also prepare a few words for the moment of the celebration. Name the people who are important in your life, especially those who supported you and who influenced you positively during your vocational journey.

Priestly Vocation: What is your path?

In this episode, Bishop Jorge Carlos gives a beautiful testimony about the discovery and the path to the priestly vocation. In this itinerary, it was essential the support of the family that made him feel free to seek the will of God.

“Do not be afraid! Because God’s plans are wonderful not only to you, but to many people through your life! “

Watch the video:

Dom Jorge Carlos Patrón Wong is Secretary of the Congregation for the Clergy (responsible for the seminaries).

Priestly Vocation: Perseverance in following Jesus even facing difficulties

It is precisely when facing battles, challenges and graces that we are called to persevere and not to be discouraged even with adversity.

In this video, Frei Jaime Spengler, Archbishop of Porto Alegre, speaks about the decision to remain faithful to the call that God makes to us and to respond with love and creativity to the dynamism of life.

Watch the video:

Fr. Jaime Spengler, OFM is Metropolitan Archbishop of Porto Alegre and President of the Pastoral Episcopal Commission for the Ordained Ministers and Consecrated Life of the CNBB.

Priestly Vocation: We Love the Poor not the Poverty

vocação sacerdotal

The priest is a friend of the poor. He is like a shepherd and, as Pope John Paul says, he must “smell the sheep”.

”A priest is someone who is not indifferent to the needs of people and, in the heartbeat of Christ, gives his life for the Church, for humanity and for those who experience material, moral and spiritual poverty.”

Watch the video:

Father Renato dos Santos, SDB (Salesians of Don Bosco) was born on October 12, 1961, in Rio do Sul (SC), and was ordained a priest on December 8, 1991. He is currently in the Vatican, Technical director of the Vatican Typography, entity responsible, among other works, for the printing and dissemination of the newspaper L’Osservatore Romano.